Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Goodness and Mercy Missions IT Training Centre

Year by year Goodness and Mercy Missions graduates students at the GMM Computer training centre in Belo. The people who graduate finds it easy to get jobs because of the skills they have attained in computer knowledge. Special thanks go to our partner in Switzerland, Informatik Afrika. It continues to make sure that the centre in Cameroon is sustainable.

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Recap of Goodness and Mercy Missions' Activities in Cameroon

It has been 9 years since Goodness and Mercy Missions started providing tools and means to the underprivileged people in the North West Region. 9 years after we can look back at the work with a lot of staisfaction. Several challenges have come in the way but they have rather helped us to fine tune our ideas and strategies in offereing our services to the community. Today we can boast of hundreds of children sponsored in school, hundreds of women empowered economically, a computer training centre and a research library for the community. We continue to hold in high esteem the lovely people who have supported this work and are still supporting. To find out about Goodness and Mercy Missions current activities you can write to us at